
Everything about cervical cancer: Risk Factors, Detection, and Treatment Options


Cervical cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the tissues of the cervix. Understanding the risk factors, getting screened regularly, and knowing the treatment options is key to prevention and early treatment.

What Factors Increase Your Risk of Cervical Cancer?

What is HPV and How is it Spread?

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to cancer. HPV (Human papillomavirus) is a virus that infects the genital area and spreads through skin contact. Over 95% of women diagnosed with cervical cancer have HPV. The virus causes genital warts, especially in women. It can also cause cancer in the cervix, external genital area, and reproductive system.

The HPV virus can spread for months without any symptoms. This silent infection means symptoms may not show up for months or years after getting infected.

HPV doesn’t just affect women’s health. It can also put men at risk. The virus can cause genital warts in men too. Over time, it may lead to penile cancer. In people with strong immune systems, HPV can often be controlled before turning into cancer. But it’s important to get screened for HPV and treat any cell changes early.

How is Cervical Cancer Detected?

What Are the Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer?

Early Stage/Local Disease

Locally Advanced Disease

Advanced/Metastatic cancer


However, in people with weakened immune systems, the disease can spread for years without any symptoms. Since the infection causes no symptoms in women or men, the virus keeps being transmitted as long as sex continues. This is why it’s important to seek treatment for cervical cancer as early as possible. Understanding risk factors, getting screened with Pap and HPV testing as recommended, and knowing your options for cancer found early or late can help in both prevention and treatment of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is preventable and treatable if caught early. Be sure to stay up to date on screenings, know the symptoms, and see your doctor about any concerns. TheBharatBuzz is your source for the latest health news and tips for living well.

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